Monday, February 26, 2018

Trump, Mexico, and El Salvador

Trump said that the Mexican government needed to do more to stop "violent illegal immigrants from El Salvador from entering the United States". He again refers to his long proposed wall but he keeps saying that Mexico needed to pay for the wall. Trump posted on twitter saying that U.S. law enforcement was removing gang members from El Salvador but that they continued to return and he added that “El Salvador just takes our money, and Mexico must help MORE with this problem. We need The Wall!”. This statement marks the second time that the Salvadorian president Salvador Sanchez Ceren has had to send the United States a formal protest the first time being the time comments were made by Trump where he called some immigrants homes "Shithole" countries.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

ICE gets 195 Immigrants During Workplace Inspections

ICE went around Southern California last week and decided to conduct raids in many businesses. They caught around 212 immigrants that were staying here illegally of those 195 were convicted criminals that had been issued a final order of removal but they failed to or they had been deported but they returned. Around 100 of those 195 were convicted of violent crimes like child sex crimes, weapons violations, and assault. The article says "ICE Director Thomas Homan defended the agency's detainment of 27 noncriminal illegal immigrants and said those people were not the target of their enforcement operations. Due to Los Angeles' sanctuary city policies, which bar federal offices from picking up individuals at the jail, ICE is forced to find them at their home or workplace or find them in other ways". Personally, I think it is unfair that they can just go to somebody's workplace or home and have all of these other people see them being taken away. It is unfair any way you look at it nobody should have to be put through that but that just happens to be how our government works.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Veteran Immigrants Being Deported

There are many veterans in the United States that are being deported. While many people focus on DACA recipients they are forgetting the only other group that is in danger, veterans. People do not know that many Mexican and Philipino immigrants enlist into the armed forces without the promise of gaining citizenship at the end of their enlistment. It is due to a law that was created in 1996 basically stating that all 'illegal immigrants' convicted of a crime and meet the requirements of it being an aggravated felony are subject to being deported regardless if they served. A judge is not allowed to consider the fact that they did serve in the armed forces and they have no right to an attorney because non-citizens do not have that right. It is unfair that a veteran who served this country has to get deported for the most absurd reason.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Trump's Immigration Proposal
Trumps immigration plan consists of:

  • Citizens and Permanent residents are only allowed to sponsor their spouses and minor children. the current law states that they are allowed to sponsor unlimited number of immediate relatives. Trump claims the government would go through its backlog of applications for the Visas.
  • Gets rid of the Visa lottery program he said that they will "reallocate the visas to reduce the family based backlog and high skilled employment backlog". The current law is 50,000 visas are available to people form "low admission countries" but there is also education and employment requirements as well as passing a background check. 
  • He makes no changes for skilled workers. The current law is US issues 85,000 H-1B visas each year and they are offered to people who have an education level of a Bachelors or higher. 
  • Gets rid of deter visa overstayers, criminals and "illegal border crossers". The current law is getting rid of criminals. 
  • 10-12 year path plan for citizenships for Dreamers and they would have to meet certain requirements for education and work. 

Monday, February 5, 2018

DACA Continued

Two senators revealed the plan for DACA that would end up protecting the young kids who were brought into the United States and the plan for adding for security to the borders. The downside is that Donald Trump is against any sort of deal unless he gets his wall. He blames the Democratic Party for the fact that they cannot come up with a compromise and deal to deal with the situation. Senator John McCain (Republican) and Senator Chris Coons (Democrat) put a proposal in last month that gives way for Dreamers to gain citizenship and they also had a plan to up the border security. The McCain-Coons Bill, as it is called, is created in order to avert the government shutdown if they do not come into agreement on Thursday February 8th. The bill does not include funding for the wall, which is what Trump wants in order to sign off on a Bill but according to the article there is enough support from both parties that the bill could possibly pass.
There is controversy however because Trump could Veto the bill if it does pass and then the problem would be if they could overturn the Veto. If it does come down to this then Congress would have to make a decision. The bill would solve the many problems that are going on in the Country and it will put many people at ease.

Catch and Release Out the Door Catch and Release is the practice by which immigrants prese...